This site is still vvveeerrryyy much underwork. I'm slowly learning the ropes with this thing thanks to verous learning websites.
If by chance you wander to my site for god only knows what reason, then hello there! The name's Vicar, not my real name of course.
I found this site by chance through lurkring on verous forums and such. When I found this site I thought it was quite neat really, with the whole old school nature of letting you express yourself
And well I never truly had a little web site for my own, so I sided why not. Let's take some chances and have place where I can leave my thoughts and some such.
For now though, this site is still on it's work shopping phase, where it's just boring ol' bare bones. But I do want to make something from this, and to learn few skills along the way
Oh, you're probably here to see something...
Well how about this?